
Showing posts from August 22, 2003
A new Nissan pickup pulls into a spot near the Jeep. A Ryder truck driving too close to the curb briefly hangs up on an innocent bystander tree, frees itself, and makes a right into the business park. A UPS truck follows it around the back of the building.
A yellow Penske truck drives by far too quickly.
A little Chevy SUV driven by a man who appears to be wearing a colored button-down shirt pulls up right next to the fire hydrant, then has to back up to be legal. A green Mitsubishi parks right behind it, and out comes a red-haired woman, who gets out, and gets into the Chevy. Off they drive together, to consummate their forbidden love.
Entering the final eight hours of the work week under grey skies, the business park's lot begins to fill with the cars. A slacker-styled girl in a white sedan pulls up and gets out with her coffee, walks to the door of Dana's, bounces off of it, and walks back to her car. She's waiting, now, to get at her paycheck, so she can go buy some new distressed pants.